Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Video killed the radio star but the radio star is silently plotting her revenge....

Feeling much better today, especially after what happened after last night. You may be wondering what happened. Well, I was laying on my bed, sleeping, and my mom comes into my room and says "Time for bed, Arielle" and in my head I'm like "what the hell?!?" but I realize that after being sick and sweating all day, I really need to shower so I'm like, I just need to quickly shower and she's like "Gimmee 5 minutes and I'll be done in the bathroom". At this point I'm feeling very nauseous again and so I go down to the cold room for an old icecream pail to keep beside my bed. The my hearing goes and I feel faint. I sit on the floor (less distance to fall) and my mom calls me a couple of times (I'm also and of disoriented right now) so I'm like "I'm in the cold room getting a bucket". It gets blurry from here on. So I must have had my bucket and we must have gone back upstairs because the next thing I remember is my dad kneeling over me and I'm laying in the upstairs hallway. Then, after convincing them that I was feeling better (and my hearings back) I am allowed to sit up and apparently I'm really pale at this point and my bad says I had a mini convulsion when I fainted so my dad drives me into the hospital at 10:30. The nurse gave me one of those diabetic blood tests where they prick your finger and apparently mine was "good" (5.9, whatever that means, so I'm not diabetic...) Then the doctor comes and examines me and apparently my fainting was a result of low blood sugar and being sick and only eating 2 crackers and 2 cans of ginger ale that day... I for one didn't believe that I needed to go to the hospital, after I fainted I felt much better besides a massive headache. So, I had to go home, drink some juice and go to bed. The end!

P.S. Also, the doctor said that I had "stomach flu" and there was a lot of it going around, EVEN THOUGH THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 'STOMACH FLU'!!!!!!

'Tis funny even though she doesn't like twilight

Click Picture to view :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My knees hurt.

Ramblings of a degranged girl

Haven't thrown up for about a half an hour now so I'm doing pretty good. And I just finished the supernatural episode and loved the Castiel/Dean bonding time at the end, t'was cute in a weird sorta way.... Almost forgot about this... TWILIGHT! IN 3 DAYS! Woot! They need emoticons on this thing....

'Tis a mediocre day

Yes, it's true. I am updating after over a month of neglect to my poor little blog... Not much to report besides the fact that I'm doing this cause I am home sick right now, started dry heaving about 10 minutes ago... Ick. Anyways, here's something for Ms.Nock, I am watching the halloween special for supernatural now even though I'm not supposed to on our computer, yay! Jensen Ackles... yummy. And Uriel is scary.... ..... Maybe I'll add more later...