Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Beginning of the End?

Dunno how often I'll be updating this now. With school on again it probably will be more but there has been a decline in blogs for a while now from everybody ('Cept Sianna and linds ;P) If something happens or comes up, I'll write it but other than that blogging will be restricted to time and mood. Ta!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Almost as Random as the " We Just Touched Awkwardly" song....

To my friends who read this blog,

I just recieved a call from one of you on the telephone (you know who you are) and the conversation went something like as follows:

Me: "Hello?"
You: "Uhhh, heyy *random noise in background*, how're you doing?"
Me: "Good...."
You: "Umm, yeah, hey, I was wondering, whats the name of your grandma who's married to Ron?"
Me: "Uh, Louise... Why??"
You: "Oh, just wondering, they're the ones who live out on a farm still right?"
Me: "Yes.. why?"
You: "Umm, your grandma, is she still alive?"
Me: *In my head - Holy Shit! What!?!* "Yeahhhh... Why!?" *In very slight panic mode*
You: "Ohh, um yeah, my grandma was just wondering and I was like, well yeah, Arielle Louise Margeret..." her grandma - "Yeah but is she still alive?"
Me: "Ohhhhkaaay, last time I checked, yeah..."
Me: "You know, I JUST watched the CommunityChannel vid on being random and this pretty much fits it..."
You: "Yeah, okay, just needed to see, I'll txt you later, bye :)"
Me: "Okay, bye...."

And now, there is one of the WORST American Idol performances, EVER. Period.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


As I sit here now
Exams looming upon me
Buddha, change my mark

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Horrible lamments and would the two of you piss off?

^ Pictured above, The strain of herpes on my arm.

What a crappy last two weeks. Why couldn't it be like Grade 9? That was a good year, we had a lot of fun on the last couple of days. It seems like all the drama and horribleness waited till we were almost done to suddenly drop down upon us. Fuck... get a room why don't you? Sorry, there are these two people all over each other that I can see through the window. I'm going to die alone, with cats, in Dawson, ordering pizzas just so I can make conversation with the delivery boy.... GOOD GOD, YOU'RE IN PUBLIC! I CAN'T EVEN LOOK UP FROM THE KEYBOARD WITHOUT SEEING YOU TWO! Once again, I'm sorry, lets call that a 'stream of consciousness'. Oh, and they're walking away, kissing and holding hands. Maybe the girl finally got creeped out about how every time she looked over her boyfriends shoulder she would see me glaring. Glaring in contempt and hatred. It got to her. :) Maybe I will finish this later, ciao!

P.S. My arm herpes is getting better :P

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Se non ci sei tu con me, con me.

Gelato, Yoga, and dancing in the rain. :D

Reading: 'Snuff', re-reading 'The sweet far thing'
Listening to: Time to say Goodbye - Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli ;P
Eating/Drinking: Nill

Monday, May 11, 2009

This doesn't really relate to anything...

Rise of the book snob

There are times when you want to read a book simply because it makes you look good. Like John Cusack says in the (insanely wonderful) film High Fidelity, you end up judging people based not on what they're like, but on what they like..

WITH THE rise in social networking websites, what becomes important is not who you are, but what you want to be perceived as. It’s like that terribly confusing thing they teach you in Psychology class - you are not what you think you are, or what other people think you are. You are what you think other people think you are. A regular tongue-twister, yes, but it does make a fair amount of sense when you apply the concept to books.

Rather than talk about what you’re really reading (Grisham, JK Rowling…or God forbid, Sidney Sheldon), you plough your way through conversations about the one they advertised on Intellectual’s Top 20 or the like. If you’re lucky, now a perfect stranger thinks you’re smart and you’ve racked up invisible points somewhere. If you’re not (and this is generally what happens), people think you’re boring because you read. Still, you end up feeling self-satisfied because you pulled off a conversation about something vaguely cerebral with panache, and you can smile a smug little smile on your way back home to The Sky Is Falling.

Or, if you’re like me, you buy it because it looks nice. I must confess I am somewhat of a snob when it comes to book covers. Yes, I’ve read the little note that comes out of those slightly stale fortune cookies, but I still judge (and very often condemn) a book by its cover. I refuse to read anything that uses more than three primary colours on its dust jacket. I will not be seen with anything that has a title in a silly font. And I make it a point not to venture near anything with lurid faces (which resulted in my missing out on Chuck Palahniuk’s Haunted until a longsuffering friend brown-papered it for me).

And I’m not the only one. In an informal survey (alright, so I asked all my friends and classmates), I discovered that when it came to buying books off the rack (so to speak), name of the author, the colour of the cover (hah!) and the size of the book influenced them more than anything else. So much for not judging anything.

It makes you wonder how Yann Martel’s Life Of Pi had even a sporting chance at being noticed. The book was fantastic, I don’t deny that. But the cover had what looked like a surfboarding tiger on it, and you have to admit that the font was very ’self-help book’. To make matters worse, it had ’A Notable Book’ printed at the back. Sigh. Martel hadn’t really written anything exceptional before that, and a pre-Pi Google search gave rise to a Hungarian king. And would you look at him now, making a book list for the Canadian Prime Minister.

Ah well, I suppose it was the Booker.

Copyright :D

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Laments of an educated kind... but not really

I'm not really sure what this is, but it's the first thing that came up on Google images when I searched "Class of 2010"... apparently it's name is Karl...

Sighhh... This blog is not really going to be anything I want it to be about. I guess all I can say is that the future is starting to frighten me. We only have a year and a couple of months left. After that, most of us are probably leaving. And even if we don't, this will be our last summer as we will probably be working full time during the summer after grade 12 to pay for everything.... It's really starting to catch up to me.

Its not "Oh, we still have years left" anymore, its, "wow, next year is our last together." I'm terrified that after we all separate, and go to different places, we will lose touch with each other. I don't want to have to miss the inside jokes, meetings beside the lockers, lunch in North Court/on the lawn. Now we really have to start worrying about things that will happen after highschool, Do we have all the courses we need, what scholarships can we get for that specific collage... I don't really know what I wanted this to be about, I just don't want to have to stop drifting through highschool with my friends and have to move out into the real world.

And now, something I have just stolen from Sam:

We all just get so caught up in highschool, that we make out own little world within it, and it seems like it will last forever, and we will never have to leave it. It's safe and warm, no matter how much we hate it.*

* © This passage is copyright to Samantha Nock and I am not using it for profits of any kind.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Since Sam did it last year...

Friday, April 3, 2009

I am conforming on this blog. Hazahh!

You’re a 90’s kid if....

You remember watching:
[ ] Kenan and Kel
[x] Doug
[x] Ren & Stimpy
[x] Pinky and the Brain
[ ] AAAAAAAH Real Monsters!
[ ] Rockos modern Life
[x] Animaniacs
[x] Gargoyles (I still love this show :))
[x] Hey Arnold
[x] Out of the Box
[x] Bear in the Big Blue House
[x] You’ve ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!"
[x] You just can’t resist finishing this . . ."In west Philadelphia born and raised..." (in a playground is where I spent most of my days...:D )
[ ] Step by Step
[ ] Family Matters
[x] Dinosaurs
[x] Boy Meets World
[x] Full House
[x] The Magic School Bus
[x] Wishbone
[x] Reading Rainbow
[ ] Ghostwriter
[x] Batman the Animated Series
[x] Aladdin
[x] Ninja Turtles
[x] Ghost Busters
[x] Duck Tales
(Where the hell is Mummies Alive on this thing!?!)

You watched the original cartoons of:
[x] Rugrats
[x] Wild Thornberrys
[x] Power Rangers

When everything was settled by:
[x] rock paper scissors
[x] bubble gum bubble gum in a dish
[ ] miss mary mack

You collected:
[x] Beanie Babies.
[x] Pogs
[x] Pokemon cards
[ ] Carebears
[ ] Silver dollars

You remember:
[x] When it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. (Nothing good is on anymore, it almost all sucks...)
[x] Reading Goosebumps
[x] When kick ball was something you did everyday
[x] You used to listen to the radio all day long
[x] just to record your FAVORITE song of ALL time on a tape.
[x] You remember Super Nintendos and Sega Genisis (Super nintendo is one of my fave ststems, I like all the original smash bros and Mario carts...)
[x] You remember The Original Game Boy
[ ] You always wanted to send in a tape to America’s Keyword
[x] When Yo-Yos were cool
[x] Those Where’s Waldo books. (Still have two)
[x] Eating Warheads and Splashers Gushers (Yum... and BIg Chew, the baseball gum...)
[x] You remember Ring Pops (oh yeah...)
[x] If you remember when everything was "da BOMB!"
[x] If you even know what an original walkman is. (Have one of these too :D)
[ ] You remember boom boxes .vs. cd players.
[x] Making those little paper fortune things, and then predicting your life with them (cootie-catcher, I make them at work...)
[x] You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet, or Nano, and brought it everywhere you went
[ ] All your school supplies were "Lisa Frank" brand
[x] Everyone watched the WB
[x] When everybody knew all the pokemon by heart.
[x] When there were only 150 pokemon. (They were the only good ones!!)
[x] the Macarena
[x] "Talk to the hand"
[x] When digimon was still on.
[x] You went to McDonald’s to play in the playplace and it was still sanitary.
[x] Before the MySpace frenzy
[x] Before the Internet & text messaging.
[x] Before Sidekicks & iPods
[x] Before PlayStation3 or X-BOX 360
[x] Back before X-box, period
[x] Before Spongebob.
[x] When light up sneakers were cool. (I never had any though...)
[x] When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs
[ ] When gas was $0.60 a gallon. (you think I payed attention to those things?)
[x] When you recorded stuff on VCR (I still have some stuff from recorded tapes...)
[ ] You had slap bracelets (?)
[x] You Actually played outside until it was dark (I loved it :P)
[x] Way back before we realized all this would eventually disappear.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I just want back in your head...

You know whats sad? Life. We have 2 computers, one that is about 2-4 years old and the one I am currently using which is 11-12 years old. And wouldn't you know it, the new one gets a virus. Thus my dad brought it to the computer techie guys somewhere today and all of my music and a lot of my photos might get wiped. Gonno. Sighhhh.... I really hope that they dont have to wipe the... hard drive(?) Sorry, I'm not up to date on my tech lingo.

Hmmm... according to blogger, there is a scheduled outage for the site at 4:00 PM PDT. That would be inconvient but I'll probably be dont this long before then. Another random fact about this computer. It freezes. All The time. I noticed that I added a random capitol 'T' in my last scentance at the start of 'the'. Must be all the time I spend in Whytes class.... Whatever, I'm just waiting for Lyss to post her new blog, ttyl. :)

P.S. I have an extreme craving for something... but don't know what... Add a craving food if you comment?

P.S.S. The picture of Lael being animated about making pancakes is made of win :D, also, you look very cute in that one pic, Lyss.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My last post was longer

Please note that 75% of my last post was somehow deleted.

This is what I assume I'd be like on weed.


As you probably know, this is Aero. I am in the library on my free block sitting beside Panda. Also the space bar on this keyboard sucks. Actually, the entire keyboard sucks. Its sticky. Eww. "I like still German because its such a violent language." <>: D He noticed. He ignored it as more of my weirdness even though I saw staring intently with very side eyes. You know, in case of change blindness... or saccadic masking... (see: Block is almost up, TTFN. :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Photo Scavenger Hunt!

An old Lawnmower

Home is where the heart is

Care for a drink?


My parents will kill me....

Lego battle to the death!

Because some people are....

Ran out of shiny red sprinkles...

Kitchen Magic [Enthralled me when i was 7...]

'Tis a chopper

My moo cow!

From a calculator with no batteries...

Couldn't bear to crumple the 90%... [coulda scanned it though...]

My brother saw this and thought it was real :)

First tries I used a dinner plate...

'Cause I'm that original...

Well, I could see the smoke...

Ate it afterwards

I liked my other one better but I'll post it later...


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Do anybody make real shit anymore?

Today was a mediocre day. I was jolted awake this morning by my alarm clock. I cannot remember what song was playing. Still tired, I hit the snooze button only to be woken up eight minutes later by the annoying beeping thing they do. This same routine followed three more times before my mom told me it was time to get up. Sleepily, (it was 7:14 on a Saturday), I got up, made it to my doorway and thought "I've forgotten my slippers!" I then decided I didn't really care and proceeded down the hallway and down the stairs. It was colder then I originally believed but I did not regret leaving my slippers.

When I arrived downstairs, I began to look for something to eat for breakfast. The rice crispees looked un-appealing so I moved onto the fridge. That is where I discovered leftover rice and whole wheat pasta. Nothing like a bowl of starch and carbs to greet the day with. I also poured myself a glass of milk which was 2% because that is all we ever have.

From there, I sat at the table, on the side, not the end where I usually sit, and started to begin on my pasta. It was a slightly colder temperature then what I would have liked but ate it anyway. After this, I went back upstairs to my bedroom and got dressed. It took my a while to decide on the shirt that I would wear but in the end I wore my Nightmare before Christmas shirt as it was one of the few I could wear to work that was clean.

Work was a blurr (Actually it wasn't, I'm just bored...)

Now I sit here typing this... and I'm done

(Title is from 'Stronger - Kanye West'