Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Well, its boxing day and im still in the holiday spirit, kinda. My mom, grandpa and aunt are all sick and everybodys kinda "meh" right now. Christmas was fun, bunch of relatives came over and we ate, drank and made merry. I got one of the books I wanted, a couple id never heard of that look real good, a new winter jacket (I love it soooooooooooo much) and various other things among which there was a package adressed to me, my brother and my dad.........................................................................................................................................................................................., sorry about that long pause, i ahd to go make myself some turkey buns (theres a lot still left cause everybodys too sick to eat, and i just found out my grandmas sick too...) anyway, i might update later or sometime within the next few days... the only things that got me off my ass was that sammymarie was also updating sooooooooo... bye!
P.S. kinda forgot to finish that scentance earlier i noticed right before i posted this... the thing in the box was a "margaretor', a kinda margarita'slushee making thing...


Sammy said...

I want a margarita slushee.

Ari said...

^_^ i am gunna make daqurais

Immortal Aim said...

Mmm, turkey and drinks....

BunBun said...


Also air my neighbor got one of those drink/slushie making things. he invited everyone over for boxing day night and got everyone very drunk. it was fun ^_^.

ps. send me that letter. i never get mail!

BunBun said...

Aero darling your a lier you said you were gunna post again and you did not :P