Monday, January 14, 2008

Life can be so pointless....

Sitting here in computer tech right now (done all my "oh so hard" work) typing this. Not much to say to continue to ramble on... Bunbun and I continue to try and find immortal aims identity and we think we might know... Looked up some music Ry recomened and found this video, video is okay but I kinda really like the song. Continued after video >

Well, If you watched it good for you, if not, i understand. Still cant find a good shot to enter in the spss art contest but i'll find something Im sure. Went to sammymaries sweet 16 on saturday and it was really fun. We all hung out, ate alot and acted like creepy grudge children. At the moment Im just listening to songs on youtube while browsing on deviant art and Im finding some pretty nice stuff. I just noticed that my lst couple of posts have been in blue and purple... (I was going to do this one like that...)... See how bored I am? I have no life except for work (the bowling alley) and homework! Only have about 20 minutes left of the block so Im signing off of here... cya'll later!


Immortal Aim said...

I'm pretty certain you don't have the right person, as I know for a fact you asked the wrong person about it today (he gets the question alot. It's how we met, actually.) If you do actually have it, then it's sort of too bad. I liked having a blog...

Ari said...

Alright so we dont have it... darn! But Bunbun and I are sitting in the library right now thinking how creepy it is that you know we asked "HIM". Bunbun still thinks its him though... BTW, are you the blonde guy sitting at the end of our row minding his own business?

Immortal Aim said...

Probably not.

I don't know why he's capitalized and in quotations, but I know you asked him because he told me you did..

Ari said...

he is capitilised and in quotations cause i dont like mentioning anyones name on my blog without there permission first. and im weird :P

Sammy said...

You guys, is it really a big deal who Immortal Aim is?
To him, we're a bunch of girls with screen names, let him remain anonymous.
What's the point of a blog if everyone knows who you are? Then you can't write what you'd like without worrying about offending someone or embarrassing yourself.
Leave him be.

Sianna XD said...

I agree with sam... personally I think it would be kinda weird knowing who immortal aim is ><

Ari said...

I agree with sam too on the anymous thing so im going to quit trying to find out. But the secret is so damned tempting!!!

Immortal Aim said...

Thank you sammiemarie, you pretty much spoke my reasoning for the anonymous thing right there.

It's nothing personal against any of you, I've just noticed that word can travel fast in a school like ours, and if one person knows who I am, then so will everyone else. That's why the only people who know me are "HIM", because he does not read my blog, has no interest in meeting me, and usually has something interesting to say, and Stef, because she is unnaturally clever and because I trust her to not speak a word to anyone. I'm sorry if it's a bit dissapointing, but I do thank you for giving up. Like I said, I don't mind getting emails etc. :)