Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My trip to GP

4 pairs of fingerless gloves, the starry pair from claires, and the other 3 from ardenes, 3/$5

A book I found for El cheapo at costco from my one of my fave publishers

A cute bag from garage, regular: $18.00, sale: $7.00

A dress I bought on sale from Reitmans (Go me!)

The dress I will wear to the wedding, Also Reitmans

2 fedoreas, Regular, $12.00 each, got them 2/$10

Shoes from sears for wedding, very comfy ^.^

It unnerving how they keep multiplying....


BunBun said...

I paid more for that book than you did. I bought it at Chapters in Edmonton and then driving home I saw it in Cosco for less :( oh well i spent too much money on books to worry about that

Sammy said...

I like the pink dress :)

Ari said...

actually its a dark purplish colour but it is very nice ^.^

Sianna XD said...

ahhh!!! I want your hat!

Anonymous said...

wow. I just got back from my vacation and i just read all your blogs and i have this to say.

. I love what you bought in GP

. Can I have one of those little white teddys? I pay cash.

. Hahaha.

BunBun said...

The teddys are kind of weird actually....