Sunday, July 20, 2008

Somewhere, somebodies laughing at me....

Your probably wondering what the hell that is. Well, I'll tell you. It is a med. size sewing needle that I pulled out of my big toe. I was walking into my room and caught in between the flooring in my room and the hallway carpet was a needle. It somehow wound up in my foot. Kinda in shock, I look down and try to pull it out. It doesn't come out. At this point its kinda hurting and I think "Crap". So I hobble downstairs and around the house looking for a pair of pliers to yank the sucker out. Finally finding some in the T.V. room (?) I sit down and try to pull it out. Again, it won't come out. So I figure that when I kicked/stepped on it, it hit the bone in my toe and bent. Once again, "Crap" went through my mind. With some twisting it finally comes out and yep, its bent. And of course once I pull it out even though its only a sewing needle, it decides to start spouting blood everywhere on my way the kitchen for paper towel. All in all, my days been great. Here's a picture of one of my kitties climbing a tree. Enjoy.


Sammy said...

"There was a needle in my foot and I spouted blood. Look at these pictures of my cats. "

That's awesome.

Ari said...

I aim to please.

BunBun said...

Im that someone laughing at you. Do you remeber the time in grade 4 i got a wire puntured all the way through my foot? Now we match!

Sianna XD said...

ouch! are you ok? like, your not impaired or anything right?

But you did make cut onigiri with that needle so I kind of feel bad for the needle.

Ari said...

Not impaired or anything, its just kinda uncomfortable putting weight on the sot where it went in